My paper was accepted. What size poster should I print? Please print posters no bigger than 36W x 48H inches or 90 x 122 cm. We will provide clips to temporarily adhere posters to wall.
Can we submit to another workshop simultaneously? Yes you can submit to another NeurIPS workshop (e.g. ML for Health), and the work can also be under review for a venue with proceedings. We only ask that the work has not been accepted at a venue with proceedings.
If my paper is accepted, will I get registration to NeurIPS through this workshop? Yes. We are able to offer each accepted up to two workshop registrations. As a workshop, we are given a number of registration slots to allow people to register for the NeurIPS workshop portion. A workshop registration allows you to attend all NeurIPS workshops (Fri Dec 13 and Sat Dec 14) although we hope you will come to ours. The workshop registrations we are given only allow people the opportunity to register for the NeurIPS workshop portion -- you still need to pay for your registration.
Are authors required to post extended abstracts on website if accepted? No. Although we encourage accepted extended abstracts to be posted on the website, we do not require it. All accepted abstracts will be listed by title and author on the website, and all accepted abstracts must be presented by an author or other representative at the actual workshop.
Will I be able to receive get visa support? We have notified participants of acceptances. Accepted authors will be given the ability to register. Letters of support will go through the main NeurIPS conference once a person has registered.
Who are the invited speakers? We will update the website when we have confirmed speakers and panelists.
How can I learn more about this field? Please see our Resources page for recent news articles and research.
What can I do to help the field of fair machine learning for health? We welcome all who are interested. We especially encourage you 1) to submit to our Call for Papers, 2) volunteer for our Program Committee if you are a PhD student, professor, or relevant industry professional (email us), or 3) contribute to our Resources page.
I have other questions. Please email us at fairmlhealth.neurips19@gmail.com. We will update this page with questions that are frequently asked.